Walla Whiz Crome - breeding stallion
Walla Whiz Crome really only began his career as a breeding stallion in the year 2020. During the previous yeard he produced a very limited crop of foals:
- 2016 = 5 foals
- 2017 = 6 foals
- 2018 = 1 foal
- 2019 = 1 foal
NRHA Breeders Derby 2022
What a run by BMS Walla Getcha Gun with Dominik Reminder in the finals!
Winning L3 und L4 they take home a cheque of about 16'000 US$.

Autumn 2021, Whiz Gunnas Treasure: Marina Becker and Walla Whiz Crome make history
Marina has won 5 futurities and more than 35,000 with Walla Whiz Crome.
Nun ist sie mit Whiz Gunnas Treasure wieder erfolgreich! Der Hengst ist von Walla Whiz Crome aus der Stute Arc LendmeyourGun. Diese Stute gehört Marina und wurde von ihr ebenfalls erfolgreich vorgestellt.
With Whiz Gunnas Treasure Marina became 3rd in L3 Open (!) at the ARHA Futurity. And in Belgium they doubled up and became Reserve Champion L2 - L4 in the NonPro Futurity.
Marina hat damit das erreicht von dem bestimmt jeder Reiner träumt! Wir gratulieren herzlich!

BMS Walla Getcha Gun aka "Willy" wins the Austrian Futurity 2019
Considering the very limited number of offspring Walla Whiz Crome has already proved that he passed on his great ability. "Willy", alias BMS WALLA GETCHA GUN, born 2016 won the Austrian Futurity 2019 L4 with a score of 223.
Watching the video is worth it!
Das Video anschauen lohnt sich!
Walicious Cromelight aka "Baxxter"
This gelding, also born 2016 is additional proof of Walla Whiz Crome qualitiy as a sire. Started by Dominik Reminder, trained by Mona Dörr and others. Not for sale.